Travel Safe Stamp for Peru and Brazil
Cusco, Peru and Brazil have become safe destinations for international travel as they have been awarded the world's first ever global safety and hygiene stamp, known as "Safe Travels," which was launched earlier this year by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). The Safe Travels stamp —awarded by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)— involves a set of protocols that follow guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) to have a general health policy for the tourism industry and to restore confidence in travelers, providing clear guidelines for the resumption of tourism activities on a global scale.
The stamp enables travelers to recognise destinations around the world which have adopted standardised global health and hygiene protocols, so they can experience 'Safe Travels.'

Travel and safety during corona times
In Q’inti we are committed with our guests, team and the community to upgrade our safety and security measures in all our programs.
As part of this :
Qinti has received the SAFE TRAVEL STAMP in April 2021
All our team member are supplied with personal protection equipment.
The health status of our team and guests will be regularly monitored
Social Distancing of two meter/ six feet distance from others, when possible
Strict hygiene measures carried out according to our health ministry protocols
Hand sanitizers will be available in all vehicles.
Our team members will receive safety protocols trainings
We will be constantly updating our supplier protocols to keep you up to date with any changes.
Below you will find the latest protocols we will follow when you are ready to travel with Q’inti